In a previous post, we explored the topic of the objective dimensionality of time. Now let us take a different approach and examine the subjective experience at various levels of consciousness within the Ray of Creation.
From an organic and biological standpoint, time is registered in the five following domains:
And see a correlation between these three activities by a multiple of approximately 30,000 units.
Note: For reasons not explored in this writing, the actual multiplier is 28,571, and the sequence of the digits hints at a great discovery journey as to why this is so.
For Man...
A sensation takes approximately 1/10,000 of a second to be registered.
A breath takes approximately 3 seconds (.0001 seconds * 30,000).
A day is 24 hours (approximately 30,000 breaths)
Life is approximately 80 years (approximately 30,000 days)
An epoch for man is approximately 2.3 million years (the frequency at which the earth's magnetic field changes or switches its polarity).
For Organic Life...
Now, consider that humanity is a small part of and under the greater dominion of Organic Life. And thus, if one applies the principles of the Ray of Creation to this example, see that for Organic Life:
The registration of a sensation takes approximately 3 seconds.
A breath takes approximately 24 hours.
A day is approximately 80 years.
Life is approximately 2.3 million years.
An epoch is approximately 66 billion years.
And thus, to put this into perspective:

Retain: To understand what's being said here, it is vital to recall from previous lessons that consciousness is a fundamental force in the universe that varies only by degree, scale, or order. In other words, if anything is conscious in the universe, everything is conscious according to its scale.
Now, consider for a moment how our Sun must perceive itself. Our sun orbits the Milky Way Galaxy at 45,000 miles per hour! Yet, according to the above diagram, the shortest duration of time that the Sun can perceive is approximately 2.3 million years... From this standpoint, the Sun would see itself in the shape of a rod through time (not space) and not as a sphere as we perceive it. This is because in the time it takes for it to have one sensation, it has traveled 9^14 miles (that's 906,660,000,000,000) in its journey around the Milky Way Galaxy.
Note: This is not dissimilar to the various atomic and subatomic components that compose our bodies, wherein a molecule comprising one particle of a cell would only see the cell's nucleus as a point and have no conception of its movement through space in our environment. Similarly, in the realms of quantum physics, where "virtual particles" and "vibrating strings" appear and disappear so rapidly as to give the illusion of solid matter when in fact, everything is in a constant state of flux and has no solidity.
Likewise, all of the planets in our solar system (excluding Neptune) would see themselves as rings that surround a rod (the sun).
Note: Because of its orbital speed around the sun, the planet Neptune would see its own body as somewhat "etherial." And indeed, it can be likened to the Etheric Layer of the human aura. In contrast, the massive heliosphere that extends far beyond the planetary rings is the equivalent of the edge of the human Aura.
Levels of Consciousness
As one engages in a personal development and refinement journey, one begins to experience higher levels of consciousness that correspond to the higher realms of the Ray of Creation (Organic Life, The Planet, All Planets, Our Sun, Our Galaxy, and the Universe). Among other things, one gains a new perception of time from the standpoint of the higher orders of creation.
Higher Bodies and Immortality
Much has been said about the nature of the Astral Body, Mental Body, and Sexual Body - which are the three higher embodiments a man may develop, although quite rare. Consider, for example, that the lifespan of the Astral Body is 2,000,000,000,000,000 earth years which is virtually immortal when compared to the minuscule 80 years of the physical body.
One More Thing to Ponder
All beings at all levels of the Ray of Creation perceive that their sensations are 1/10,000 of a second, their breath is 3 seconds, their day is 24 hours, and their life is 80 years. What does this imply?
And now, although there is much more to be said on this topic, I feel it best to leave it to you to ponder actively.
Many respects,