The Ray of Creation outlines a descending octave of seven orders of magnitude from The Absolute down to the moon.
Now consider that the first step in understanding one's purpose in the universe is understanding one's place in it.
By understanding the ray of creation, one can establish vital connections to the evolutionary impulse in the universe because it is the universal blueprint of evolution. One way to think of the ray of creation is as a series of musical notes because there is a strong correlation between the notes of the octave and the seven levels of the ray of creation.
Note: the solfeggio arrangement (Do, Re, Mi, Fa, Sol, La, Si, Do) is an ancient esoteric encoding of the knowledge of the ray of creation that eventually made its way into Christianity in the 11th century. The encoding is as follows:

Each note of the solfeggio corresponds to a level in The Ray of Creation as follows:

Note: In ancient times, it was believed that the moon caused illness and accidents, and the dictionary defines regent (Latin: Regina) as "A person appointed to administer a country...because the monarch is absent or incapacitated...". Similarly, it was believed that the planets in our solar system (Latin: Fata) ruled over one's destiny which is where we derive the word 'fate.'
The significance of the two shocks in the above diagram will be explored in an upcoming post on the enneagram, which has great significance in the ray of creation and everything.
It is vitally important at this stage to grasp that each higher note or level in the ray of creation is of a grander scale and has dominion over successively lower notes.
Understand that just as our sun is but a small part of and under the dominion of the Milky Way galaxy, our planet is subject to the influence of our sun, and our moon is subject to our planet. In other words, each successively lower note in the ray of creation has more restrictions or laws placed upon it than higher notes.
An excellent example of this is that organic life on earth, specifically our planetary body, cannot survive in the incandescent-plasma environment of the sun. However, there are higher, more refined life forms that exist in the solar realms.
There also exists in man the potential for the development of higher bodies that are not subject to the restrictions of planetary existence. For instance, the astral body exists at the level of all the planets in our solar system, and the mental body exists at sun level.
We began this post with the axiom, "The first step in understanding one's purpose in the universe is to understand one's place in it." As this is just an introduction to The Ray of Creation, I will leave it to your efforts for now to contemplate your place in the universe with a sense of awe and wonder.
Many respects,