Everything in the universe serves a purpose. At its most basic level, all organic life on earth, including man, serves the function of processing force (or energy) for the planet.
Referring back to the ray of creation, organic life on earth exists to fill the shock between Mi and Fa, or more specifically, between our planet and the rest of the solar system:

The thin film of organic life on earth allows the passage of force from the planet to the solar system and vice versa. It is in this way that all living things can be regarded as force-processing machines. From this perspective, the difference between a man and other forms of organic life on earth is simply a matter of the range of energies he may process.
Note: This also explains the correspondence between certain animals and plants to the stars and planets noted in astrology. For example, particular plants process "mars force," The ancients were sensitive enough to detect this frequency and resonance and attribute their qualities to the sign Aries.
Man is the most sophisticated and versatile processing machine on the planet. This is because we are three-brained beings with five lower and three higher centers.
Three Brains
In the human complex, the three brains are located in the head, spine, and wandering nerves of the solar plexus, respectively. This ties into the law of three in that the head-brain is active and custodial, the spine-brain is negative and maintaining, and the solar-plexus-brain is neutralizing and expending.

From careful observation, one may see that the brain in the head works on affirmation only, so if you are asked not to picture a pink elephant, the image immediately comes to mind. The brain in the head works only through affirmation - that is to say, to follow the instructions "not to imagine," it must first affirm the image by imagining. Sometimes we refer to this brain as the yes-brain.
The brain in the spine works only by negation. It is also the seat of the instinctive and moving centers, which are the parts of the human complex responsible for such things as driving you to eat when you're hungry or to get warm when you're cold. It runs on the force of denial.
The brain in the solar-plexus acts as a neutralizer to the other two brains; that which we cannot be denied or affirmed is expended through this brain. It is related to the emotional center. Examples of this neutralizing effect would be the actions of laughing and crying, both of which involve spasms in the region of the solar plexus.
The Five Lower Centers
The human complex is five-fold by nature. We have five fingers, five toes, and five senses, and when our appendages are extended, we form the shape of a pentagram.

We also have five centers that process electromagnetic force. These centers are:

Note: Color is a fundamental aspect of universal expression and is the first cloak of force, meaning that the presence, passage, or movement of force is always accompanied by a certain color frequency.
Scientists know that specific colors affect us in very predictable ways. For example, the color red raises blood pressure and stimulates action; the color blue is the most common color used in police forces but can also have a calming influence. Orange (yellow + red) stimulates hunger. And don't forget the urban legend that green M&M's are an aphrodisiac. Could we be so responsive to color because it's a fundamental aspect of creation?
We will return to the topic of the five centers in future lessons because it's a topic of utmost importance to anyone on a development journey.
The Three Higher Centers
In addition to the five lower centers, we also have three higher centers. Two higher centers are fully formed and functional, while the third only exists as a potentiality.
Note: You will find many cases in nature of the 2/3rds - 1/3rd principle. All you need to do is look.
The names of the higher centers are the 'higher thinking center,' the 'higher emotional center,' and the 'higher sexual center.'

As mentioned above, the higher emotional and higher thinking centers are fully formed in every human. Unfortunately, due to the unbalanced nature of the pentagram system of the five lower centers in most people, we cannot hear their wisdom. It is only after the lower center's functioning have been put right, can communication with the higher centers become possible.
Note: At her current level of development and consciousness, the planet does not require that the human evolve and grow in his or her level of being. She is quite satisfied with man as a processing machine capable of transmitting forces from above into her sphere of influence. However, this will not always be the case.
By birthright, man's nature and potential are higher than the planet's. Although his body is provided by the planet, what it houses (soul, spirit) are from the octave of the sun and stars.
Thus, the meaning of life is a matter of perspective. From one standpoint, we are an integral part of the thin film of organic life in service to the planet. From another, we are the sensitive nerve endings that inform God and Creation of the nature of itself.
Many respects,