Now, three things must be carefully balanced in one's personal development journey, and these are knowledge, being, and doing. Stated quite simply - knowledge is what one knows through personal experience. Being is what one has become through one's connections and attendances, and doing is the manifested result of the interplay of the first two. If any of these three forces are out of balance, it leads to a lopsided development.
By now, there must be many things that you have already learned from these lessons, and it is hoped that some of them have become actual knowledge through your personal experience. We have yet to have made a firm approach to the other two vectors and so it is time to address them.
Ask yourself; could you address a public audience, command an army, write a poem, run a board meeting, dance a jig, or save a life? As a self-development task, over the next few days, take some time to list the roles in life that you are not comfortable with. What scares or intimidates you? What topics of conversation would you feel uneasy with? And then simply pick one to pursue.
It is essential to understand that this exercise is not to acquire or master new skills - but rather to introduce the frequency of versatility into one's life. Versatility is the ability to consciously endure the discomfort of friction in one's essence and personality. It is an essential quality to have if one wishes to engage in a balanced personal development journey.
The enemy of versatility is inhibition.
Many respects,