When referring to the Natural Laws, it must be understood that this has nothing to do with cultural rules of behavior or morals. It's to do with the principles of universal creation and maintenance that define the scope of possibilities within the governance of the Ray of Creation.
Furthermore, having a passion for an understanding of the Natural Laws places oneself into what is real. It attracts to oneself the essences and attendances tied to the frequencies of a personal development and refinement journey.
We have spoken many times about the Ray of Creation, and it is time to return once more to the diagram below:

In the right-hand column of the diagram, you will see that a certain number of laws accompanies each level of the Ray of Creation and that the Ray of Creation represents both a descending and ascending octave.
Note, too, that although the diagram simply calls them "Laws," that is not to say that our planet only has exactly 48 natural laws. It would be more appropriate to say that the planet is under the dominion of 48 orders of laws, for many individual laws can be characterized by their nature.
It is also important to understand that a greater number of laws equals more restrictions. In contrast, fewer laws equals more freedom, which also applies to states of consciousness.
Thus, a man or lady on a personal development journey can find themselves subjected to fewer and fewer laws as they refine their level of consciousness. For example, while our physical body can't withstand the harsh conditions of most other planets in our solar system, the Astral Body, if one has acquired it, is entirely at home anywhere in our solar system. This is because the physical body is governed by 48 Orders of Laws, whereas the Astral Body is only governed by 24.
The Inheritance of Laws
Each level of the Ray of Creation inherits the laws of the above levels and then adds three more of its own. Thus, Our Planet inherits twenty-four laws from the realm of All Planets, twelve laws from Our Sun, six laws from Our Galaxy, three laws from All Galaxies, and engenders three laws of its own:
24 + 12 + 6 + 3 + 3 = 48.
Therefore, to approach the laws as they apply to us at our level in the Ray of Creation, it becomes necessary to ponder the question, "Which [3] laws only apply at the level of a planet that does not apply at the level of All Planets as a whole?"
One such example will be discussed next.
The Law of Apparent Opposites
One of the most straightforward examples of a local (i.e., planetary) law to see is The Law of Apparent Opposites, sometimes called The Law of Two - examples of which can be found everywhere:
Hot - Cold
Wet - Dry
Light - Dark
Male - Female
Positive - Negative
Up - Down
Right - Left
Summer - Winter
And yet, none of those mentioned above are actual opposites because they are related to each other in a third vector. For example, hot and cold are two aspects of temperature, male and female are two aspects of gender, positive and negative are two aspects of electrical charge, and so on...
The appearance of opposites at the Planetary Level has to do with our vantage point of perception. Take into consideration the two following diagrams that illustrate this:

As can be seen from the above diagrams, the appearance of opposites is due to our conscious perception existing on a single line of a triad of forces.
To make this even more precise, consider that every planet in our solar system experiences a light side and a dark side of its surface as it rotates on its axis. This duality is, of course, artificial in the sense that from the point of view of All Planets taken collectively, every ring (i.e., planet) orbiting the sun is simultaneously illuminated and dark at any given moment because the shortest duration of a sensation for the world of All Planets is approximately 80 years.
A, B, and C Influences
There are three types of influences that affect human life on the planet:
A: The influences of the culture such as one's work-life, paying bills, hobbies, taxes, etc...
B: The influences of art, religion, philosophy, and science.
C: Influences from outside of life, the conscious circle of humanity, evolutionary response.
"C" influences are always present but cannot be encountered in one's ordinary life. They must be attracted to oneself by one's inner processes. They are attracted to oneself by having a constant and unwavering curiosity about the nature of life and especially the natural laws.
One begins the process by collecting examples everywhere. Simply being told that "There is a Law of Two" and believing it is not enough. One must know it from the inside out by throwing oneself into the love of it, for the love of it.
The Tuning Fork Principle When dealing with "A" influences, it is often the case that opposites attract. Still, when dealing with "C" influences, the situation is quite different - like attracts like. By studying the laws and collecting examples, one begins to radiate the same signal. Instead of knowing about The Law of Two, one becomes the law of two. The more examples one finds, the more examples are attracted to one's life.
This is based on the tuning fork principle in physics: If you and I are both holding tuning forks tuned to the note of A, and I cause mine to sound by striking it, yours will also produce a sound even at a significant distance. Similarly, suppose one holds a particular "note" in oneself, by one's passion and internal process. In that case, one begins to "vibrate" in sympathetic resonance to the essence of that thing in the universe.
Only by one's internal process may one become connected to the evolutionary "C" influences in creation. With the proper process, one begins to attract 'that of a kind' into one's life. With it comes new knowledge and, more importantly, a new understanding that enhances one's personal development journey.
Practical Examples
Well... it's easy! Start by collecting examples of the Law of Two. Look everywhere! Take yourself out of your life ("A" and "B" influences) and go on a quest for discovery. The same applies to anything you wish for more of a connection to. Would you like to know the meaning of colors? Go collect examples everywhere you can.
Note: Many "New Age" books have been written on color, numerology, and symbolism. In most cases, it seems that the information contained in these is simply a restatement of what the author has read somewhere else, not coming from a personal understanding by the process mentioned above. Thus, at this stage, one might be wise to avoid such opinions in favor of one's personal experience gained as a result of one's efforts. Otherwise, one runs the risk of becoming an esoteric encyclopedia without having a foundation upon which to judge the veracity of one's knowledge accurately.
Many Respects,