We are taught in school that the human complex requires various physical nutrients to survive, and of course, this is true but not the end of the story.
As mentioned before, everything... Two fundamental laws govern EVERYTHING in the universe; the law of seven and the law of three, and see that the process of digestion can be no exception.
The three foods required for the human complex are:
Because man is a microcosm of the universe, the transformation of coarse matter into more refined energy is precisely the same as the evolutionary process found in the ray of creation, only on a smaller scale.
Have you ever wondered how the food we eat eventually may become refined enough to become the energy of a thought, an emotion, or an act of creativity? To put it more succinctly, how can a potato become a thought?
Upon consideration, it becomes clear that a progressive transformation of the raw material of the food we eat is necessary to fuel the higher faculties of the human complex. Before explaining the mechanics of this can be offered, we must understand more about the nature of the law of seven and a particular term used in this system called 'hydrogen(s).'
Take a moment to review the ray of creation diagram again, paying particular attention to the position of the two shocks.

The two shocks occur between the notes Mi-Fa and Si-Do and correspond to the two missing semitones in the musical octave. These missing semitones can also be seen on the keys of a piano (observe the missing black keys between the notes E-F and B-C):

Note: The notes E# and B# simply do not exist in a harmonic progression. This is not arbitrary, for if they were 'forced' into the scale, it would sound in-harmonic and would not blend with any other note to create a chord.
How is it that our ear can distinguish harmony from a lack thereof? Could it be that understanding harmony is a fundamental part of our basic makeup?
In musical terms, an octave is a term used for a series of seven primary tones, where the eighth tone is precisely double the frequency (or pitch) of the first. Thus, if the first note, "C," has a frequency of 256 cycles per second, the next higher, "C," would vibrate at 512 cycles per second which would be one octave above the original note.
Now we come to an essential feature of the law of seven, and it is this: In any natural progression from the start of something to its completion (i.e., an octave), there are two naturally occurring points where the harmonic progression stagnates or slows down. This occurs at the points of the missing semitones. In the terminology of The Eminent Way, these are called shocks.
This applies to everything in nature, not just music. For instance, if you were to heat some ice until it became water and eventually steam and you had a thermometer to measure the temperature over time, you would observe that there are two points in the process where the temperature rise stagnates for some time. The first is at the transitional temperature from ice to water, and the second is at the transitional temperature from water to steam. Exactly where the law of seven predicts the shocks take place.
For a process to pass through a shock, a sustained effort from outside is required.
Before returning to the lesson on the three foods, something must be said about a particular term used in The Tradition. That term is 'hydrogen.' In this teaching, hydrogen is the smallest particle of any substance that retains all of its physical, chemical, and cosmic properties. Thus, in this context, there is such a thing as hydrogen of water (for example) or hydrogen of wood.
By applying this concept, everything in the universe can be weighed and measured according to its density or inversely by its rate of vibration. For example;
Hydrogen 768 is the designation for any type of food for humans.
Hydrogen 384 is classified as water.
Hydrogen 192 is air.
Hydrogen 96 is the lowest frequency of electromagnetic force that the human complex produces.
At this stage, do not become overwhelmed by the terms and numbers. It is simply important to understand that the higher the weight of the hydrogen, the denser its nature. Likewise, the lower the weight, the more rarified or energetic its nature is.
One may recall that any process that involves the evolution or involution of something must follow the stages of the law of seven, including the observance of the two shocks wherein if some outside influence is not present, the process will halt.
Now that you have grasped one of the principle features of the law of seven and a definition for the symbolic term 'hydrogen,' we can return to the topic.
The process of digestion works by the law of seven in the following way:
Ingesting any type of food sounds the note "Do" in the organism and enters the system as Hydrogen 768.
Through the application of mechanical action in the form of chewing and the introduction of various enzymes, acids, and bases, the food is transformed from the denser, less energetic matter of Hydrogen 768 to the less dense, more energetic matter of Hydrogen 384 - corresponding the note Re and then to Hydrogen 192 at the note Mi.
According to the law of seven, it is at this stage that the food encounters the first shock. And were it not for introducing an outside force known as the second food or air, the progressive transformation of the physical food would halt there, and the organism would die.
The introduction of the second food allows the first food to progress through the remaining four stages until it ultimately becomes the most rarefied energy it can, namely Hydrogen 96 (Fa), Hydrogen 48 (Sol), Hydrogen 24 (La), and Hydrogen 12 (Si).
Now, things become very interesting because the second food - air - enters the organism as Hydrogen 192, and since it is a newly arising force in the organism, it sounds the note 'Do' for its octave. Just like the first food, it naturally progresses from Hydrogen 192 (Do) to Hydrogen 96 (Re) and Hydrogen 48 (Mi) before it encounters the missing semitone or shock in its octave. At this place, the third food - impressions - enters as Hydrogen 48, sounding the note 'Do' of its octave and supplying the necessary force to allow the octave of air to proceed.
Impressions take many forms, such as things you see, hear, taste, smell, and touch. The introduction of the third food - impressions - allows the second food to pass to Hydrogen 24 (Fa), Hydrogen 12 (Sol), Hydrogen 6 (La), and finally, Hydrogen 3 (Si). It is important to note that Hydrogen 3 is the most rarefied substance the human complex can absorb. It is an essential energy for developing one's higher faculties and nourishing the spirit.
The third food - impressions - enters the organism as Hydrogen 48 but, for reasons that will be explained elsewhere, is too weak to sound the note 'Do' adequately and thus does not proceed to the note 'Re.' However, there is the possibility of learning to do so consciously with the right kind of effort. This particular type of effort is at the very core of this system, for it allows one to collect additional energies in the form of Hydrogen 24, Hydrogen 12, Hydrogen 6, and Hydrogen 3 that assists in building the Astral Body, Mental Body, and Fourth Body, while also nourishing the soul and spirit.
Many respects,