There are more non-physical, or more accurately stated, less-physical beings that inhabit the astral light of the planet than our physical senses can perceive. As one evolves along his or her personal development journey, one begins to encounter these presences, attendances, and beings with greater frequency.
Thus, this writing serves as an introduction for you, the stranger in a foreign land, to have some foreknowledge of the unseen worlds in which you also live and breathe.
Fundamental Understandings
Before one can approach this vast topic, a few things must be understood about the nature of man, the natural laws, and The astral light. The first is the knowledge that fine feeds coarse and coarse destroys fine.
This is an aspect of one of the natural laws known as the law of 'reciprocal maintenance and destruction,' which is universal throughout creation. So too, it can be said that the fine can perceive the coarse, but the coarse cannot perceive the fine. Thus, to perceive those things in the unseen worlds, one must have accumulated enough rarified substances in one's general presence to do so.
Undeveloped humans have very little of these substances to perceive the unseen worlds. This explains why most people do not believe in such things. And, rightly so, for it would be a fool who believes in something they have never personally experienced.
As explained elsewhere, the Astral Light of the planet is naturally divided into seven bands or frequencies of varying densities. The lower levels (5,6,7) are the densest, while the higher levels (1,2,3,4) are the most rarefied. Thus, the table of hydrogens belonging to the levels of The Astral Light is as follows:

As described elsewhere, an average, healthy individual has a fair amount of Hydrogen 96 in his or her organism. Hydrogen 96 is the densest form of energy in the body and is present in the etheric region of the aura, which is the field that extends one to two inches from the body. For this reason, nearly anyone can sense the contents of the lowest levels of the astral light kinesthetically. This explains the 'prickly' sensation on the skin one feels in the presence of something generally called "evil" or unclean.
Incidentally, the etheric region of the aura can easily be seen by most people with little or no training whatsoever. To try it yourself, go into a dimly lit room and hold your hands, palms parallel to each other at eye level. Make sure the backdrop is a plain surface, such as a white wall. Now, softly look through the space between your palms. Slowly move your palms closer to each other and then farther apart in repetition. You may notice a field of force surrounding each hand like a glove. Sometimes it appears as a distortion, like when one sees the distortions caused by hot air radiating from the pavement on a hot summer day. Other times, it may appear as a translucent grey or white-colored mist.
This also explains the phenomena of ghosts and apparitions. It is not widely known that when the physical body dies, it takes approximately nine months for the etheric layer of the aura to dissipate entirely. However, that is not to say that the disincarnated etheric 'double' has an appreciable consciousness. Just after death, it is only semi-conscious, as though in a dream, and later becomes entirely unconscious. However, it may instinctively wander or haunt familiar locations it has become accustomed to.
As stated above, nearly everyone can see the etheric region of the aura, and it is even easier to do so when there's no physical body attached. Thus, the appearance of ghosts.
Curio: Why is it that when people see 'ghosts,' they're typically clothed? One would think that you don't take your clothes with you when you die; however, this can easily be explained by what is known as 'Thought Forms.' The substance of thought, classified as Hydrogen 48, is an actual substance even though it is so fine that it cannot be measured with physical recording devices.
When you have a thought, you create a replica of that thought energetically in your aura. In the case of ghosts with clothes, it is the thought forms of how the person visualized themselves during their life that is connected to the etheric double when they die. Think, too, how rare it is to perceive oneself naked when dreaming. It falls under the same category.
Fairies and Elementals
These lifeforms belong to level six of the Astral Light and serve a planetary function. Elementals, of which there are four types (Gnomes, Sylphs, Undines, and Salamanders), serve in a similar capacity as the human limbic system for the planet. They are intelligent in their area of expertise and, like fairies, are composed of the substance known as Hydrogen 48. They cannot be seen electrically in the same way that one can observe the aura. They can be seen, however, through a type of mental radar, the explanation of which is as follows:
An undeveloped human has very little of the substance known as Hydrogen 48 in their organism. However, through specific practices described elsewhere, one can accumulate a great deal of this fine energy or substance over time. At a certain point, it becomes possible to project this energy from the eyes and pineal gland or third eye as a lance of force that can travel quite some distance.
This lance of force 'lights up' things of kind in the unseen worlds, and their reflection travels back into the optic nerve along the line of force projected outward and thus can be seen by the mind, which also runs on H48.
Fairies, although composed of the same substance, are akin to the chemicals in the human brain known as neurotransmitters. There is an incredibly vast variety of them which come in all shapes, sizes, and colors. Because of their extreme potency, when a person comes into contact with one, it often causes visual hallucinations - especially if one does not have specific mechanisms to counteract the overload of force.
The ensuing hallucinations from encounters with fairies are the occult origin of fairy tales. "Once upon a time," when people were less electrically polluted, it was not uncommon for a person to encounter fairy life. After the experience, they would relate the fantastic tales resulting from their vivid hallucinations from their encounter.
In modern times, it is pretty uncommon to encounter fairies and elementals due to the coarseness of the radiation we tend to exude. If you recall, coarse destroys the fine, and they typically retreat when we approach for fear of being destroyed. The more one develops and gains command over the types of energies one allows in oneself, the greater the possibility that one will encounter such things.
Angels and Djinn
Let me first clarify one thing; there is no such thing as demons as portrayed in modern Christianity. So-called demons are nothing more than charged thought forms that inhabit the lowest levels of the astral light, stemming solely from the wrong manufacture generated by humans. They are not a natural part of the cosmic ray of creation.
Djinn and Angels, on the other hand, are real. Djinn, from whence we derive the word Genie is one of the most prominent inhabitants of level five of the astral light. Being composed of Hydrogen 24, they are highly conscious and intelligent beings. They are quite literally the gatekeepers to the higher levels of creation and serve a dual function; to either educate or misinform humans, and the explanation of this is quite profound.
For reasons beyond the scope of this writing, it is not only impossible for all humans to spontaneously spiritually evolve, but it would also be catastrophic to the purpose of creation.
In service to a higher principle, when too many people in a given society, religion, group, or movement come too close to this threshold, a Djinn is commissioned to deceive them in such ways to thwart their progress, usually using "spiritual" misinformation or delusion. Similarly, when a given society is not producing enough 'aspirants' toward spiritual evolution, Djinn is tasked with providing esoteric education. Man did not discover such things as divination, astrology, tarot, and magick on his own; the Djinn instructed him.
As you develop, you may encounter Djinn, also known as The Watchers. Always remember that they are simultaneously in dual service both to humanity and to a higher order. At the same time, they are the makers of fate, the teachers of wisdom, and the deceivers of men. They are the gatekeepers to the higher realms, and only one with the right codings and assemblies in place will pass the threshold.
Regarding angels, they are solar entities at level four in the astral light. While there are seven types of angels, there are only two types that you may encounter in the astral light of the planet. They are the maintainers and representatives of creation's custodial and maintenance rays. They are not concerned with human affairs per se but are in service to the processes set in motion by God and Creation.
Like the Djinn, angels are also criteria-based but of a much higher order. They operate solely based on "useful" or "not useful."
As an aside, it should be noted that there is no such thing as a personal 'guardian angel' - the notion has become popular in the fantasies of the new age genre. Any such thing is most assuredly either a Djinn or an accidental connection to one's higher faculties (Higher Emotional Center or Higher Thinking Center). It is, however, possible to summon, evoke or invoke an angel. Still, one must be of an equal or higher level of being to do so and have developed a fully independent mental body.
Thoughtforms, Demons, and Vampires
All things in this category are wholly unnatural and result from human-generated wrong-manufacture. Since the human was designed only to operate at levels four and above in the astral light, if you encounter these things, it's a strong indication that your development journey has gone awry in some regard. It's time to reconsider your values and standards.
It is not appropriate to call any of these 'entities' or 'beings,' for they are wholly unconscious and mechanical. They arise in the astral light of the planet as a result of man's inability to hold a standard of "will-have" and "won't-have" attitudes in his life.
Every passing thought of greed, lust, envy, hatred, etc... that a man entertains, unchecked in his mind, creates a pseudo-entitized thought form in his aura, a physical thing if you will. If powered by prolonged repetition, it may eventually acquire enough force to break free from the aura and roam freely in the lower levels of the astral light.
Thought forms are nothing more than the unconscious manifestations of another man's undisciplined mind and unbridled emotion. They are not to be feared because all that is required to avoid them is to simply rise above them in one's level of being. To one who has eyes to see them, they are hideous and monstrous in appearance and should be avoided.
Note: When it comes to values and standards, one must consider what one says 'yes' to. Things like Ouija boards should be avoided (the terms Oui and Ja mean "yes" and "yes" in French and Germain) because it offers an unconditional invitation to anything that may be present in the astral light at the moment. Just as you would not invite any random stranger into your home simply because they happened to be in the neighborhood, you should also avoid doing so in the home of your higher faculties from the unseen worlds.
Essences and Attendances
These come from levels three, two, and one in the astral light and are by the grace of God and Creation. Their intelligence and power far exceed man's comprehension, but they have names in our language such as care, patience, understanding, humility, hope, belief, charity, radiance, and life. They are also known as the nine vital qualities.
When a human enjoins itself in these essences, they offer enrichment and enlightenment of unparalleled proportion. When connected to the divine dignity of a human being following his or her purpose, they become what is known as attendances in the life of one on a development journey. They are the finest order of what one can connect to and offer a refined enhancement along the way.
And so we now end this lesson in the hope that it may serve as a set of guideposts along the way of your personal development journey.
Many respects,
Excellent post, appreciate the classification and insight.